We m92 gen2 silver pistol


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These products were chosen to compliment the
We m92 gen2 silver pistol

We m92 25rnd magazine black gbb pistol





– UP TO 350FPS
– 26 Round Magazine
– fixed front and rear iron sights
– Metal Barrel
– Full Working Safety


Here we have WE’s latest take on the M92 pistol, this is the newest version of the M92 and as such, this features
a range of improvements over past models of the M92 – this one now has a stronger full metal assembly –
slide and frame are metal, as would be expected – but the internals are re-enforced so as to

allow for the WE M92 GEN2 SILVER PISTOL to last a longer period of time before showing any signs of wear and tear.
The safety acts as a de-cocking level which allows for the hammer to fall back to the resting position when the weapon
is put onto safe – this helps prevent any unwanted discharges of the weapon while it is in your holster!
The grips on this weapon are finished to an incredible standard, and look amazing out of the box – they feature the
WE logo and, as with most GBB M9’s, are completely removable and can be swapped out for either a tactical style grip,
or a more classy wooden style grip.

The slide is removable and can be swapped out for something lighter for better gas economy and for more of a kick on
a lower power gas, if you require, and the recoil spring is also removable allowing for you to either cut it, or replace it
if you ever feel the need to do so.
As with all the newer WE weapons, the build quality on the WE M92 GEN2 SILVER PISTOL is really beyond anything they have produced so far – there
are no seams visible on any of the moulded parts, and the entire working mechanism is as smooth as you could want from
a pistol.
All in all, as this WE M92 GEN2 SILVER PISTOL is a high power weapon, it makes a great sidearm to any airsoft primary – it will fit in most conventional
drop-leg holsters or vest-holsters, This weapon would do well to accompany a
shorter range primary weapon – as you could use this to make shots your PDW, or SMG cannot make.